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 展现在我们面前的是一位跨界艺术家、一位饱读沃游的记者、一位出生成长于太行山麓邯郸古城的写意画家笔下的太行写意山水作品。“雄强”、“震撼”是业内外人士对马乐太行山水的普遍评价。马乐(本名,马建国),中国美术家协会会员、新华社高级记者、新华书画院副院长。他曾先后以“靠山系列 -- 马乐写意太行山水画展”为题,在南京、上海、北京、邯郸举办个展,并多次参与中国美协在北京、上海、香港、新西兰等地组织的画展,其作品被包括联合国秘书长潘基文、副秘书长西迪贝、联合国教科文组织总干事博科娃、希腊总统帕夫洛普洛斯等国际政要和国内外著名媒体机构广为收藏。

Capturing the soul of Nature with
    freehand ink and wash paintings
Shocking, breathtaking and overwhelming are the words people instinvtively give to comment his paintings.
Ma Jianguo, or Jianguo Ma, who happens to bear the English name of JACK MA,the Alibaba Group CEO, is now a member of China Artists' Association, the most privileged art circle in China, and a senior reporter at Xinhua News Agency, one of the country's most influential media institutions.
Jack’s freehand ink and wash landscape paintings, can be seen as an expression of his love for the Taihang Mountains, alongside which is his hometown of Handan, an ancient city where China's first emperor, Qin Shihuang, was born over 2,000 years ago.
Mt. Taihang, which runs around 400 kms from Yellow River in the south to Mt. Yanshan near Beijing in the north, is regarded as cradle for the Chinese civilization.
“To depict Mt. Taihang, from which I find a ‘kaoshan’ or backup mountain according to Chinese fengshui theory, is a way to pay my homage to the ancient Chinese civilization, ” Jack said.
Using super dark ink (or dry ink) to draw the structure of mountains, Jack inputs more power and strength to the mountains, and by using light ink for the distant hills and clouds,he adds special Chinese factor to the whole picture.  
A man with deep respect for cultures of China and that of other cultures, Jack, a well-traveled reporter around the world, believes that an artist is obliged to pinpoint the spirit or soul of nature, mountains and rivers. The soul of nature, if artistically depicted, might ignite in people different responses, he says.
